Here, my favourite armor for Arcosian (and one of my favourite original clothes as well) the Ultimate F suit, converted to fit for Earthling and Saiyan Males. It wasn't that easy to convert unlike the previous. I gave it my personal touch (i hope you don't mind!) also it's fully colorable. I decided to keep the tail because it will cause a big tear on the pants and because it looks cool too. If you want the tail move install an animated tail mod (no need to equip it, just install it) and you need to use a compatible moveset as well.
在这里,我喜欢为arcosian盔甲(和我最喜欢的一个原始的衣服以及)最终F套装,转换为适合地球人和Saiyan Males。转换不像以前那么容易。我给了我个人的机会(希望你不要介意!)这是完全着色。我决定留着尾巴,因为它会在裤子上造成很大的撕裂,因为它看起来也很酷。如果你想安装一个动画尾尾动模(不需要的装备,只要安装它),你需要使用一个兼容的属性以及。
标签: 龙珠超宇宙2MOD
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